I’ve been asked lately if I could share some tips for staying healthy and injury free after a hip scope – in my case, two hip scopes.
Let me offer these three useful words: Moderation. Variety. Vigilance.
Since my arthroscopic surgeries to repair pincer impingements and labrum tears in 2011 – the first in July, the second in December – I’ve had to modify my daily workouts. No longer do I run every day, nor do I engage in two or three consecutive workouts per day.
I tried reverting to my old ways, but then a built-in reminder clicks in: that achy feeling in the groin region – usually on my left side, the worst of the two hips – that tells me it’s time to seriously back off. This modest to moderate discomfort might be the result of irritated scar tissue, or even age. But whatever the reasons, I’ve accepted the unkind reality that I cannot exercise the same way I did before.
Do I miss working out like a maniac? Of course. But I haven’t turned into a slug, either. I’ll now run three days a week (Here’s the moderation part), with one long run every six or seven days, and mix in some spinning, cycling, weight lifting or rowing for cross training (Here’s the variety). I’ve also made a point of adding in once or twice a week core-strengthening exercises (The vigilance), including some Pilates, yoga and the great exercises learned in physical therapy. I found I am far less likely to get injured if my core is strong. In fact, when I do overdo it and I’m feeling bad afterward, a day or two of PT will usually turn things around rather quickly. A few of these exercises can be found here.
Here’s a more detailed look at a typical workout week:
SUNDAY: Long run, typically 7 to 10 miles
MONDAY: Weight-lifting and stretching at the gym
TUESDAY: Spin class
WEDNESDAY: Shorter run, typically 3 to 5 miles
THURSDAY: PT and Pilates mat exercises, with some yoga moves
FRIDAY: Shorter run, 3 to 5 miles
SATURDAY: Spin or rowing class
Fantastic post. This is exactly what I’m realizing too, that I have to accept that I need to be more well-rounded with my workouts and not rely on running alone. Thank you for this! 🙂
Yes, it was an adjustment. But I really do enjoy my new activities.
Stay well!!!