The recent nor’easter and a recent bout with norovirus (a k a stomach flu) have, oddly, helped to speed up my recovery from last month’s setbacks (double workouts, severe spinning were the culprits). I guess my aching body (or, rather, aching left groin area) just need to rest some more, and with the bad weather outside and feeling under the weather inside, there was not much to do but convalesce.
I have since resumed spin classes, though my level of riding is down a few notches, and I am back to three-mile runs a couple of times a week. I also have dusted off my PT routine of stretching and core strengthening. (Memo to self: You must keep that up!)
This cold weather, though, is not exactly kind to those of us recovering from arthroscopic hip surgery(ies). I was feeling so much better in the warmer fall months.
Counting the days to spring.
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