I ran 10 miles yesterday – my longest run yet since my first arthroscopic hip surgery, in July 2011. (The second was five months later.)
And so far – knock wood, fingers crossed, breath held – I am feeling pretty good. In fact, just for good measure, I took some anti-inflammatories and spent this morning doing my physical therapy stretches and exercises. I also plan to take a break from running for a couple of days.
It wasn’t a fast 10-mile run, mind you, but I covered the distance with relative ease on a gloriously cool and sunny Sunday morning with my old running/training buddy. Just like old times.
Interestingly, later this morning I received an e-mail from the Hip Preservation Registry at the Hospital for Special Surgery in New York, which has been following my recovery, asking me to fill out another survey about my hip mobility and present condition.
“Can you bend down and tie your shoes?“ “Get in and out of a car without difficulty? “Walk at least a mile?” You betcha. But where was the question about running 10 miles?
The other milestone in my hip recovery was equally important: For the last several days I’ve been wearing high-heels to work!
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