It’s been awhile since I last checked in – too much going on with work, grad school, physical therapy … (ugh!). Last weekend I actually had a post all written and ready to go … when I suddenly lost power from a freak Nor’easter that slammed New Jersey and Connecticut. No heat, hot water, electricity, land-line phone, cable, Internet, etc. for six days. In other words: no home.
So now that I’m back online and no longer living in a cold, dark refrigerator, here’s an update on my recovery from the arthroscopic hip surgery that I underwent in mid-July, to repair a torn labrum.
I’m running, again. Well, sort of. I was inspired by today’s New York City marathon – which I had to drop out of last year because of my hip injury – and decided to see if I was even capable of running. I was! I walked and ran on the treadmill for 10 minutes (one minute on, one minute off …) It felt wonderful.
In other good news, my gait is completely back to normal. No more favoring the right side over the left. And I am walking much faster now thanks to all the leg-strengthening exercises I’ve been doing in PT.
Oh, and did I mention that I’m sort of running again?
At the gym, I am now up to 45 minutes on the ellipitcal machine and stationary bike and I’m even adding resistance.
And I’m back on the treadmill running!
I am also using most of the weight machines that I had worked out on at the gym before the surgery, though the weights are bit lower on some machines.
Tomorrow is my 16-week visit with my hip surgeon. I promise not to wait another month for my next posting.
The physio also recommended I get some small hand weights, something which I have given thought to anyway.