Last year I spent Christmas Eve and Christmas day on crutches, recovering from my second arthroscopic hip surgery in one year; this time on my right side.
This year I ran five miles and took a kick-ass spin class.
What a difference a year makes, huh?
Wishing everyone a happy, safe and injury-free holiday season. And a speedy recovery for all those recuperating from their own hip scopes. There is life after surgery.
Happy New Year! Glad to hear you’re running and celebrating!! I start the new year with a trainer and get out of my head. Started step class a few weeks ago, so want to go nuts but finally listening to reason and my body and re-training my two left feet. At least I’m providing comic relief to the instructor ha ha!!
Happy New Year, Janice!
Sounds like you’re progressing nicely.
I was NEVER good at step classes — even long before my injuries.
Hi Vivian,
Happy Holidays!
Just wanted to say thanks again for keeping up the blog.
I wrote you this summer when I had my first hip-scope at HSS, and just before christmas I had my second one done.
It’s been a tough , but it’s inspiring to know in a year from now I’ll hopefully be running again too!
A couple of quick questions. -At what point did you have a day when you didn’t feel any discomfort what so ever in either hip.
And also, do you/did you wear any particular shoes/sneakers for the first months to take some of the impact off your hips? (Or did you go straight into normal boots/heels etc.)
Thank you so much and all the best!
Hi Marie,
We’re on the same scope schedule — only a year apart.
I hasn’t been easy, and only in recent months have I started to feel my old self again (though I occasionally do get a tinge of minor discomfort on my more-damaged left side). Hip doc said it would take a year to come full circle on each side, and he was right.
I stayed away from heels and stuck with flats with good arch support and traction in the soles. (Keens were great!) Then I progressed to normal boots, and only just a few months ago resumed wearing heels. (I was fearful of falling.)
Thanks for writing and staying in touch,
Thanks for your quick reply.
Yes, it looks like I’m mirroring your surgery-dates indeed!
Will definitely go back in time and check what you were writing this time last year.
And thanks for the shoe-tip. Will definitely look into Keens.
Even before the surgery certain shoes (hard soles & heels) were causing me pain and it’s even more difficult to find good ones now.
(Fashion and hip-surgery don’t really go well together 😉
Thanks again and have a great 2013!