Happy Holidays

xmaslogoLast year I spent Christmas Eve and Christmas day on crutches, recovering from my second arthroscopic hip surgery in one year; this time  on my right side.

This year I ran five miles and took a kick-ass spin class.

What a difference a year makes, huh?

Wishing everyone a happy, safe and injury-free holiday season. And a speedy recovery for all those recuperating from their own hip scopes. There is life after surgery.

Posted in Hip Labral Tears, Inspiration, My Story
5 comments on “Happy Holidays
  1. Janice says:

    Happy New Year! Glad to hear you’re running and celebrating!! I start the new year with a trainer and get out of my head. Started step class a few weeks ago, so want to go nuts but finally listening to reason and my body and re-training my two left feet. At least I’m providing comic relief to the instructor ha ha!!

    • vmarino says:

      Happy New Year, Janice!
      Sounds like you’re progressing nicely.
      I was NEVER good at step classes — even long before my injuries.

  2. marie says:

    Hi Vivian,
    Happy Holidays!
    Just wanted to say thanks again for keeping up the blog.
    I wrote you this summer when I had my first hip-scope at HSS, and just before christmas I had my second one done.
    It’s been a tough , but it’s inspiring to know in a year from now I’ll hopefully be running again too!
    A couple of quick questions. -At what point did you have a day when you didn’t feel any discomfort what so ever in either hip.
    And also, do you/did you wear any particular shoes/sneakers for the first months to take some of the impact off your hips? (Or did you go straight into normal boots/heels etc.)
    Thank you so much and all the best!

    • vmarino says:

      Hi Marie,
      We’re on the same scope schedule — only a year apart.

      I hasn’t been easy, and only in recent months have I started to feel my old self again (though I occasionally do get a tinge of minor discomfort on my more-damaged left side). Hip doc said it would take a year to come full circle on each side, and he was right.

      I stayed away from heels and stuck with flats with good arch support and traction in the soles. (Keens were great!) Then I progressed to normal boots, and only just a few months ago resumed wearing heels. (I was fearful of falling.)

      Thanks for writing and staying in touch,


      • marie says:


        Thanks for your quick reply.
        Yes, it looks like I’m mirroring your surgery-dates indeed!
        Will definitely go back in time and check what you were writing this time last year.

        And thanks for the shoe-tip. Will definitely look into Keens.
        Even before the surgery certain shoes (hard soles & heels) were causing me pain and it’s even more difficult to find good ones now.
        (Fashion and hip-surgery don’t really go well together 😉

        Thanks again and have a great 2013!


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Most athletes have experienced a “second wind,” that jolt of energy and strength that allows us, enervated and dispirited, to carry on. But sometimes our bodies cannot recover on their own – we need outside help so we can catch our “third wind.”
