Happy Birthday, America (Now Drink Up!)

For those of you with lots of activities planned for this Fourth of July (and the rest of the summer as well), don’t forget to keep hydrated by drinking plenty of water or sports drinks, the latter of which help replace the electrolytes (mainly sodium) that are lost when we sweat! Remember: If you’re feeling thirsty, it’s probably an indication that you’re already dehydrated.

If you don’t particularly like sports drinks, or appreciate all the sugar many of them have in them, there are electrolyte capsules available in vitamin stores and online. I’ve used these. You can also include a sports gel like GU with your water.

So how much water do us active folks need? It depends on how much you sweat, really. Runner’s World magazine actually has a “Sweat Test” here that can provide a gauge.  But the general guidelines are these: 10 to 15 fluid ounces two to three hours before exercise; eight to 10 ounces 15 minutes before exercise; and eight to 10 ounces every 15 minutes during exercise.

One last thing: Don’t drink too much, either. Overhydrating can lead to what’s known as hyponatremia, which also causes a drop in sodium levels. Here again, sports drinks and gels and electrolyte capsules can help. Or you can have something nice and salty before your activity, like a bagel or pretzel. I like that idea the best!


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  1. […] stay hydrated (see my previous post on this subject here); […]

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