Monthly Archives: December 2012

Happy Holidays

Last year I spent Christmas Eve and Christmas day on crutches, recovering from my second arthroscopic hip surgery in one year; this time  on my right side. This year I ran five miles and took a kick-ass spin class. What a difference a year makes, huh? Wishing everyone a happy,

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Posted in Hip Labral Tears, Inspiration, My Story

Another Hip Scope for A-Rod

It’s a double-header for Alex Rodriguez. The New York Yankees announced today that its star third baseman will have to undergo yet another arthroscopic hip surgery – this one on his left side  – to repair a torn labrum and bone impingement and to remove a cyst. (His right hip

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Posted in Hip Labral Tears


Most athletes have experienced a “second wind,” that jolt of energy and strength that allows us, enervated and dispirited, to carry on. But sometimes our bodies cannot recover on their own – we need outside help so we can catch our “third wind.”
